Hello from Charlotte
19th August 2021
Introducing Charlotte to Zebedees
Hi Everyone, I’m Charlotte Stirling-Reed, the Nutrition Consultant working with Zebedees. I thought I’d do a little introductory blog to introduce myself a little more and to let you know what I’m going to be doing here at Zebedees over the next year!
About Charlotte
First a little bit about me – I’m a Registered Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition and I specialise in Baby, Toddler and Child Nutrition. This topic is really everything to me and I love talking about feeding little ones and supporting parents with how to do so confidently.
After my undergraduate and post graduate degrees in Nutrition I trained in the NHS, which is where I was able to really specialise in the field of child nutrition. I’ve since worked across a wide range of nutrition fields, but I always come back to feeding children because I think it’s such an important area to discuss and learn from. Feeding children well can help improve the health of our next generations, therefore the impact of good nutrition in the early years can be really far reaching.
Working with Zebedees
I’m super excited to have teamed up with Zebedees as they help to feed such a vast number of children throughout the UK EVERY DAY and sometimes this can include the majority of meals those children will eat throughout the week. They have a tough and VERY important job to do. Many nurseries offer Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Drinks and Tea for the children in their setting, and so it’s key that the food on offer is good, nutritious and supports their development.
I was amazed by the job that Zebedees do in providing hot, delicious (I’ve tried them, they are really great!) meals to kids’ tables all over the UK. They also offer teas, baby meals, fruit/salad boxes and seconds options too.
As part of my work with Zebedees, I’ll be helping to write their future menus and supporting them to ensure that their menus are ”best in class” and go above and beyond current Government guidelines (they already have exceptional menus).
I’ll also be working with them to write monthly blogs to ensure that we’re providing informative and interesting content about feeding young children on the Zebedees website. This content will also stretch to their social media channels too. I want to help make Zebedees Instagram and Facebook a place parents can go to find out about nutrition for young children, as well as to find details on their meals, menus, ingredients and the lovely little stories that make Zebedees who they are.
I’ll also be around at Zebedees HQ regularly, so if you have any questions about nutrition or the meals on offer, I’ll be there to help answer these and to make sure parents are confident in what their little ones are eating at our nurseries.
On top of all this, we have some exciting ideas/projects and campaigns lined up for the next few months, so watch this space for plenty more.
My first blog ‘When to Start Offering Solid Foods’ is already out and up on the Zebedees blog, so you can check that out here. Also if you have any specific topics you’d like to hear about, please contact us here and let us know.
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